1·He is holding an enquiry into a case.
2·The company has shut down one line and has started an enquiry into the accident.
3·My photographs, videos and installations form an enquiry into the act of looking and being looked at.
4·A state of emergency has been declared in Irkutsk, and Russia's top investigative agency opened an enquiry into the incident.
5·Thee enquiry into the route of the new by-pass to the village was due to take place shortly, andI wanted to know what it was that motivated her.
6·there was a parliamentary enquiry into the issue in 2006 and a promise, this year, to begin widening citizenship, initially to a mere 2,000 people.
7·Not by listening, enquiring you are going to get that intelligence but if one has the capacity to patiently enquire into it, the very enquiry is that intelligence.
8·Oh, Mr Griffin, as a state enterprise handling the import of tallow, I'm sure you expect us to do some investigation into prices before making an enquiry.
9·It also aims to show the usefulness of such an approach for providing new insights into critical areas of empirical enquiry.
10·When fresh supplies come into the market, we can revert to your enquiry.